brand awareness

Creating Brand Awareness

Brand awareness as the name implies refers to how your brand and its products are familiar to consumers. Or in simple words, it is the degree of customers getting reminded and purchasing from your brand when they think and want a particular product.

            For instance, what is the first brand that comes to your mind when you see the word ‘PHONE’? It’s either IPHONE or SAMSUNG. How about luxury perfume? ‘DIOR’ or ‘CHANEL’ is on your mind. ‘ADDIDAS’ or ‘NIKE’ is the first thing that pops into your mind when foot ware is a concern. This is no sorcery it is easy to predict which brand you think of because you are aware of them whether you own products from these products or not.

            Sometimes the first brand name that introduced a product will be used as the name of the product by the consumers. For example in Ethiopia, the first toothpaste was from the brand ‘COLGATE’, to this day every tooth paste is referred to as ‘COLGATE’. This is how powerful brand awareness is.

            These brands created brand awareness among people on every level thus making them superior in the market. Brand awareness results in customer loyalty creating a sense of being a family of a brand.


            You may be starting a business and it might feel intimidating to create awareness for your brand, but you should start from the least and gradually grow. These brands were once in a position you are currently in. follow the strategies below and you will be on the right track to creating a brand that is recognized and familiar to consumers.

1.    Design a memorable Logo

The first thing you should do to create brand awareness is to create an aesthetic logo for your brand. The logo you create will be the identification of your brand. It is what distinguishes your brand from others.

2. Create a social media presence

One of the best ways you should use to familiarise your brand is to help you reach numerous prospective consumers cost-efficiently and easily. You can create audio, video, and text content on social media platforms.

3. Create a well-developed website

A website is the online house of your brand. You should have a well-developed website if you want to have a brand that is familiarized. Your brand’s website will contain information on your products, online store, customer service, and valuable content that visitors would use.

4. Market your brand

Marketing is the key. You are supposed to find a market for the products and services your brand provides. Marketing your brand will help your products and services reach the desired consumers. You can use social media platforms and additional marketing strategies such as email marketing, content marketing, Affiliate (influencer) marketing, and advertisement on television and radio.

5. Assign a brand ambassador (optional)

This Is one of the optional steps. You can use this if you have a budget to pay for the ambassador. You can select a local or international celebrity to become the face of your brand. you can use this brand ambassador to make advertisements and make appearances representing your brand.

6. Participate in community service(optional

When your brand participates in community services such as donations and environmental protection works, it will show consumers how you care about them more than gaining profits. Consumers will accept your brand as a family with trust.


            These steps listed above will help you create brand awareness for your brand. How you create brand awareness is not limited to just those steps. These are just the tip of the ice burg. You must find a unique mesmerizing way to outstand your competitors and win the heart of consumers. To get more information on how you can create brand awareness for your brand contact well-known marketing, promotion, and branding Company –WAFA.

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